Regulation of Ovarian Growth: Inhibition by Estrogen or Stimulation by Gonadotrophins?

Both ovaries of mature [female] tats were autotransplanted into the spleen allowing the ovaries to be stimulated by pituitary gonadotrophins but denying them the presence of circulating estrogens by interposing the liver between the ovaries and the systemic circulation. The ovaries of these animals increased 3-fold in wt. after 30 to 50 days'' transplantation over their wt. at the time of operation. Injn. of physiologic amts. of estrogens (as detd. by the effect on the uterus and thymus) prevented such an increase in ovarian wt. without concomitant decrease in pituitary gonadotrophic potency. It is concluded that ovarian growth is inhibited directly by the presence of circulating estrogens.