Dislocation interaction in an adsorbate solid near the commensurate-incommensurate transition

The free energy of interaction of a pair of point dislocations, in an adsorbed crystalline layer whose periodicity, in one direction, differs very slightly from an integer p times the substrate periodicity, is related to the logarithm of a correlation function 0|Q(x, t)Q(x, t)|0, where |0 is the quantum-mechanical ground state of a set of noninteracting fermions in one space dimension, and Q(x, t) is an operator which inserts p fermions near point x and time t, and which multiplies the wave function by (1)pN(x, t), where N(x, t) is the number of fermions to the left of point x. The correlation function is evaluated at large separations, and the resulting dislocation interaction is consistent with previous calculations of the long-wavelength elastic constants of the adsorbate. In particular we confirm that the adsorbate lattice, in this almost-commensurate regime, is unstable to formation of free dislocations for p<8, according to the Kosterlitz-Thouless criterion.