Nuclear Structure Effects in "Elastic" Neutrino-Induced Reactions

The effects of nuclear structure on "elastic" neutrino-induced reactions: νμ+[Z, A]μ+[Z+1, A], ν¯μ+[Z, A]μ++[Z1, A], are considered by use of methods analogous to those developed in the theory of muon capture by complex nuclei. A "nuclear structure effect quantity" ("n.s.e.q."), which allows calculation of the cross sections for νμ+nμ+p and ν¯μ+pμ++n from the observed cross sections for νμ+[Z, A]0μ+[Z+1, A]all and ν¯μ+[Z, A]0μ++[Z1, A]all, is derived and discussed. This "n.s.e.q." is, to a reasonable approximation, independent of the nucleon form factors associated with the lepton-hadron weak interaction and essentially involves only the nucleon-nucleon correlation function of [Z, A]0 as determined by the internucleon forces and the exclusion principle. Finally, it is shown how the nuclear parameters entering into the nucleon-nucleon correlation function can be found from existing empirical data on electron scattering and muon capture by complex nuclei and, with use of the so-determined values of these parameters, values of the "n.s.e.q." for various [Z, A] and Eν are given.