Recombinant plasmid mobilization betweenE.colistrains in seven sterile microcosms

Transfer by mobilization of a pBR derivative recombinant plasmid lacking transfer functions (oriT+, tra, mob) from one E. coli K12 strain to another was investigated in seven sterile microcosms corresponding to different environments. These microcosms were chosen as representative of environments that genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMOs) encounter after accidental release, namely attached biomass in aquatic environments (biofilm), soil, seawater, freshwater, wastewater, mouse gut, and mussel gut. GEMOs survived in the same way as the host strains in all microcosms. Recombinant DNA mobilization occurred in the mouse gut, in sterile soil, and in biofilm. The plasmid transfer rates principally reflected the environmental conditions encountered in each microcosm.Key words: recombinant DNA, plasmid transfer, mobilization, conjugation, microcosm.