Recent advances in soft tissue augmentation

Soff tissue augmentation has become increasingly Important as more indlviduals seek aesthetic Improvement without major surglcal procedures. The choice of an appropriate subcutaneous implant, whether solid or Injectable, requires a thorough understanding of the materilals avallable. This review of the literature addresses autologous fat and dermis transplantation, autologous and allogenelc human collagen, bovine collagen, acellular dermal allograff, hyaluronic acid derivatives, expanded polytetraffuoroethylene, polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres, and other potential biomaterials. The search for the perfect material to eradicate rhytids, smooth scars, and fill traumatic defects continues. New products appear, some-times with great fanfare, which fall to fulfill the promise of a better alternative to what we use now. For this reason, an In-depth understanding of Implant materials is necessary for any physician performing soff-tissue augmentation procedures.