Callus and suspension cultures, established from seedling and leaf explants of Solanum laciniatum Ait were analysed for solasodine using a spectrophotometric assay. Solasodine concentration in both types of culture ranged from 0.5 – 1.0 mg/g dry wt., with a small number of callus explants containing higher concentrations. There was no overall fall in concentration as a result of serial subculture, and in suspension cultures the level remained constant throughout a single passage. Solasodine concentration was enhanced by the induction of organogenesis in both primary leaf explants and callus. ABA, added at 0.04 mg 1−1, increased solasodine yield in callus cultures whilst CEPA, at concentrations of 10 mg 1−1 and higher, inhibited production. Dark grown callus contained significantly more solasodine than light grown.