According to gynecologic textbooks, monographs and articles,1diabetic genital pruritus and vulvovaginitis are produced by dextrose or other substances in abnormal amounts in the urine. However, the following observations indicate that Eumycetes (fungi) are in most instances the etiologic agent, which is in accord with the statement by Plass, Hesseltine and Borts2that "pregnancy and diabetes are predisposing factors" for such infection. Although the reasons for this predilection are not completely known, it is obvious that with the constant spill of excessive dextrose over the vulva a satisfactory medium is created, especially since students3in this field have shown that the pathogenic yeasts thrive on dextrose and levulose in the presence of acid. While the proponents of urinary irritants are supported in their view by local improvement simultaneously with control of the diabetic state, I believe that the fungi cease producing symptoms because of an inadequate medium