Charge Dependence of Nuclear Forces and the Breakup of Deuterons and Tritons

The proton spectrum at 4.8° from the reaction D(n,p)2n, En=14.4 MeV, was measured. The high-energy part of that spectrum was analyzed yielding for the neutron-neutron S01 scattering length the value: ann=21.7±1 F. The correction due to magnetic interaction is 0.8 F and the pure nuclear ann is therefore ann=22.5±1 F. This experimental value is compared with the calculations of Wong and Noyes, and Lin, and indicates that nuclear forces depart by 2-3% from the charge symmetry. The charged particle spectrum at 4.8° from the reaction n+Tn+T, 2n+d, and 3n+p, En=14.4 MeV, was also measured. The effects of the final-state interactions are evident in the spectrum.