Ocular Signs and Prognosis in Subdural and Subarachnoid Bleeding in Young Children

The problems of subdural hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage in infancy have been thoroughly discussed in recent years in the pediatric, neurologic, and neurosurgical literature. The following analysis of 47 patients seen and followed at the Mayo Clinic during an 11-year interval emphasizes the ophthalmologic manifestations and sequelae. The neurologic abnormalities other than those of ophthalmologic interest have been reported elsewhere.1 Subhyaloid and retinal hemorrhage associated with subdural and subarachnoid bleeding among adults is well known.2-8 The occurrence of such hemorrhage among children with these conditions has been pointed out.9-15 Ingraham and Matson12 reported that intraocular hemorrhage occurred in 21.8% of a large series of infants who had subdural hematomas. Govan and Walsh13 found such hemorrhage in 50% of their infant patients. Statten14 noted retinal hemorrhage in 21 (75%) of 28 infants. Guthkelch15 reported that 20% to 25% of 24 such patients had changes in