The ramification formed by the v. portae is divided into one right and one left main part by a main boundary fissure corresponding to the right sagittal fissure. An incidental fissure corresponding to the falciform ligament and the left sagittal fissure divides the left main part into medial and lateral portions. The lobus quadratus, and in most cases also the Spigelian lobe without its processus caudatus, belong to the medial portion. In the lateral portion, a dorsolateral and a ventrolateral segment has been observed, and in the right main part a dorso-caudal segment, an intermediate segment and a ventro-cranial one. In cross section the bile ducts have an elliptical form and follow the corresponding v. portae rami. When an artery, a bile duct and a v. portae ramus cross one another simultaneously, the artery always lies between the bile duct and the v. portae ramus.