Resonance Absorption of Gamma Rays in Normal and Superconducting Tin

A study of the resonant absorption of the 23.8-keV gamma rays in Sn119 has been made between 373 and 1.1°K by using the Sb119 K-capture parent. The source was prepared by bombarding natural Sn with 10-MeV deuterons in a cyclotron, and was thick enough to absorb resonantly a large portion of the recoilless photons emitted. By studying the self-absorption in this source between 373 and 60°K and taking into account the contributions to the intensity due to resonant scattering, an average value of the Debye temperature θ has been derived. In order to see if the phonon spectrum undergoes a change in passing from the superconducting to the normal phase, the counting rate was measured at several temperatures between 4.2 and 1.1°K, with and without a magnetic field strong enough to destroy the superconductivity of the source. Using the derived value of 140°K for θ, it was concluded that the change in θ between the two phases could not be more than 0.76°K.

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