Smoking Cessation 2: Behavioral Treatments

The authors' purpose of this portion of a 3-part review of interventions for tobacco dependence is to present evidence regarding the efficacy of behavioral treatments for smoking cessation. The present review includes evidence evaluated in the Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline (the Guideline) (MC Fiore, WC Bailey, SJ Cohen, et al, 2000) as well as evidence published subsequent to the Guideline. A wide range of effective behavioral treatments for smoking cessation is available. These interventions come in a variety of formats and intensities, can be used by all types of clinicians in a variety of settings, and are appropriate for different types of smokers. The authors have organized recommendations in 2 broad domains that account for much of the variability across behavioral interventions, treatment content, and structure. Finally, the authors discuss key directions for future research.