Controlled Enrichment System for Experimental Fumigation of Plants in the Field with Sulfur Dioxide

A prototype Free-Air Controlled Enrichment (FACE) system was developed at Brookhaven National "Laboratory (BNL) for the experimental control of gas concentrations in an open field, without any form of enclosure. This FACE system consists of a toroidal plenum chamber, 15 m in diameter, with a series of 32 vertical vent pipes from which the release of a test gas can be controlled. Data on gas concentration at the center of the array and wind velocity are fed to a microprocessor where a proportional, integrative, differential (PID) algorithm is used to regulate a mass-flow controller. Data on wind direction are used to control the opening and closing of the vertical vent pipes to maintain an upwind release. In 72 hours of continuous operation during which wind velocity varied between 0.3 to 8 m sec-1, the FACE prototype maintained 1 -min averaged concentrations within twenty percent of the 40 ppb set point 94 percent of the time.