The distribution of somatomedins in the nervous system of the cat and their release following neural stimulation

Recent evidence suggests a regulatory role in the nervous system for somatomedins. The present study, using a somatomedin radioreceptorassay which primarily detects insulin like growth factors 1 and 2, shows that somatomedins are widely distributed throughout the nervous system of the cat. Whilst somatomedins were present in all CNS regions, the highest concentration occurred in the hypothalamus followed by cerebral cortex. In the spinal cord, the dorsal roots contained twice the concentration found in the ventral roots. Activity was also present in the sympathetic ganglia, vagus nerve and sciatic nerves. Following electrical stimulation of the brachial and sciatic nerves somatomedins were released into perfusates from extirpated cut limbs. These findings suggest that somatomedins may be neuroregulatory hormones.