AFTER 100 years of surgical history, the isolated effects of splenectomy in chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL) although extensively discussed 1-7 are, paradoxically, largely unknown. The case presented in this report made possible an analysis of these effects without interference by prior or concurrent cytotoxic therapy. Report of a Case A 21-year-old white man was admitted to the San Diego Naval Hospital on Aug 16, 1961. Two days previously, during his third week of recruit training, he had noticed a transitory ache in his left side. Except for some recent easy bruising, he considered his past and present health excellent. He appeared well but obese. The spleen filled the entire left side of the abdomen and part of the right. Scattered over his body were several large ecchymoses and petechiae over pressure points. His course from admission to his death is outlined in the Figure. The initial white blood cell