An Advanced Study Institute sponsored by NATO on “Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in Rotating Fluids” was held in Cambridge, England, from 26 June to 4 July 1972. The aim of the meeting was to provide, through invited lectures, a systematic account of those aspects of the geophysics of the earth's core and of astrophysics in which both rotation effects and magnetic effects play an important part. In addition to the invited lectures, shorter contributions and discussions were strongly encouraged. The main Sessions and the Session Chairmen were as follows:A The earth's magnetism and planetary magnetism magnetism Sir Edward BullardB Convection, differential rotation, and magneto-hydrodynamics in the sun Dr N. O. WeissC Stellar and interstellar magnetism; pulsars Prof. E. SpiegelD Boundary layers and detached shear layers and spin-up problems Prof. E. R. BentonE Waves and instabilities influenced by Lorentz and/or Coriolis forces Dr R. HideF Dynamo theory Prof. P. H. RobertsThese Chairmen, together with Professor P. A. Gilman and Dr H. K. Moffatt, who acted as Director of the Institute, constituted the Organising Committee. The summary of the meeting which follows has been substantially written by Dr Weiss (sessions B and C), Dr Hide (A and E), Professor Benton (D) and Professor Roberts (F), whose willing collaboration is gratefully acknowledged.There were just over a hundred participants, the great majority of whom were accommodated at Trinity College, Cambridge, for the duration of the meeting.