Projections of the nucleus of the basal optic root in the pigeon: An autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase study

The efferent projections of the nBOR complex, have been studied with both anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. The nBOR complex includes three distinct subdivisions: the nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR), the nBOR pars dorsalis (nBORd) and the nBOR pars lateralis (nBORl). Unilateral injections of 3H‐leucine or 3H‐proline/3H‐leucine mixtures into the nBOR complex have demonstrated prominent bilateral projections upon (1) the vestibulocerebellum, (2) the inferior olivary complex, (3) the oculomotor nuclear complex, (4) the nucleus interstitialis, contralateral projections upon (5) the contralateral nBOR complex and ipsilateral projections upon (6) a pretectal nucleus, the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, pars magnocellularis. Unilateral injections of HRP confined to folia IXc, d and paraflocculus of the cerebellum, the contralateral nBOR complex or the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali resulted in retrograde labeling of predominantly medium and large size cells within the entire nBOR complex. Unilateral injections of HRP within the inferior olive resulted in retrograde labeling of small, spindle‐shaped cells within nBOR and nBORd. Unilateral injections of the oculomotor complex which included the trochlear nucleus resulted in retrograde labeling of small cells within the ipsilateral nBORd and predominantly medium and large cells in the contralateral nBOR. The displaced ganglion cells of the retina give rise to a prominent and distinct projection upon the nBOR complex (Karten et al., '77). The nBOR complex in turn projects upon the oculomotor nuclear complex, the nucleus interstitialis and the vestibulocerebellum, regions which have been implicated in oculomotor function. These findings strongly suggest that the displaced ganglion cells and the accessory optic system have a major influence upon oculomotor reflexes including eye and head movements.