A b i n i t i o calculations of the minimum energy path in the doublet surface for the reaction N(4S)+O2(3Σ−g) →NO(2Πu) +O(3P)

Ab initio MCSCF+CI calculations of the minimum energy path in the doublet surface for the N(4S)+O2(3Σg) →NO(2Πu)+O(3P) reaction were carried out using a 4‐31 G basis set. The minimum path was calculated to pass through a bent N–O–O 2A′ transition complex with a barrier of 21.7 kcal/mole. A high barrier was found for the doublet C2v approach of N(4S) to O2(3Σg). Two distinct regions of orbital transformations, given by the MCSCF calculations were found along the minimum energy path.