Electron-phonon interaction in two dimensions: Variation of ImΣ(εp,ω) with increasing ωD/EF

The interaction between phonons and a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is studied beyond the Migdal approximation. The analysis of the vertex function leads to the relative correction of ‖ImΣ(εp,ω)‖ which is of the order of λ(Ωph+aT)EF1ln(EF/Ωph). Here, Ωph is the average phonon frequency, and a(∼1) is the ratio between coupling constants for low-frequency and high-frequency phonon modes. For ‖ω‖≫Ωph the correction is ‖ω‖/EF. The physically relevant result is that significant corrections are present only when ‖ω‖≲Ωph,‖ω-εp‖≲Ωph and they increase with temperature as Tδ with δ≤1 in the entire frequency region. Also, our results strongly suggest that the quasiparticle picture for a 2D electron gas in a 3D lattice has to be corrected by many-particle effects even at small ωD/EF.