We derive exact bounds for the Kl3 decay form factors f±(t). Particularly, we find the bound (mK2mπ2)|f+(0)|16[13πΔ(0)]12(mK+mπ)12(mK12+mπ12)1, where Δ(0) is the propagator of the divergence of the strangeness-changing current at zero momentum. If we further assume the Hamiltonian of Gell-Mann, Oakes, and Renner in order to estimate Δ(0), we obtain |f+(0)|1.0. Similarly, an inequality testing the standard Kl3 soft-pion theorem is found to be well satisfied. In addition, a new inequality involving derivatives of f+(t) is derived. Taking λ+0.02, this inequality leads to |f(0)|0.33.