Baseline, visual deprivation and visual stimulation 99Tcm-HMPAO-related changes in visual cortex can be detected with a single-head SPET system

To determine the sensitivity of 99TCm-hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (99TCm-HMPAO) and a single-head SPET (single photon emission tomography) system in the detection of perfusion changes in the visual cortex due to different visual conditions, six normal healthy volunteers were studied under conditions of visual deprivation (blindfolded), visual stimulation (stroboscopic light) and baseline (dim light and eyes open). Visual cortex/whole-brain activity ratios, and the percentage of activity change between the different visual conditions were calculated after three-dimensional realignment of the images. The activity in the visual cortex was higher during visual stimulation than during the visual deprivation (P = 0.002, 17.6 +/- 8.6% increase) and baseline conditions (P = 0.009, 8.8 +/- 5.6% increase). Furthermore, the activity in the visual cortex was lower during the visual deprivation than in the baseline condition (P = 0.001, 8.1 +/- 2.9% decrease). 99TCm-HMPAO SPET, even with a single-head system, is capable of detecting changes in rCBF in the striate cortex, not only between conditions of visual stimulation and deprivation, but also between these two conditions and the baseline state.