Incorporation of Radiolabelled Fibrinogen into Venous Thrombi Induced in Dogs

The time course and locus of radiolabelled fibrinogen (RLF) incorporation into venous thrombi were studied in dogs. Incorporation of radiolabelled fibrinogen (RLF) into fresh venous thrombi induced in vivo was studied by serial autoradiography, well-counting and surface counting. Autoradiographs disclosed diffuse incorporation of RLF into thrombi formed before and after RLF injection. Well-counting data also reflected thrombus RLF accumulation in both instances, although this accumulation was discernible earlier in thrombi induced in the presence of circulating RLF. Thrombi induced prior to RLF injection were detectable by surface counting after six hours. These studies support the potential value of RLF in detecting human venous thrombosis but also point out the limitations of the technique as well as questions which require clarification.