Subquark model of leptons and quarks

Various subquark models so far proposed are briefly reviewed. Classifications of leptons and quarks in the models are discussed and compared. Our spinor-subquark model of leptons and quarks in which leptons and quarks are made of three subquarks of spin ½ is discussed in detail. The possibility that gauge bosons and Higgs scalars are also made of a subquark-antisubquark pair is discussed. Exotic states of subquarks such as leptons and quarks of spin 32, exotic fermions, and exotic bosons are predicted in our model. Subquark currents and their algebra are proposed. Two unified subquark models of strong and electroweak interactions are discussed. The one is a gauge model and the other is a model of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type. A subquark model of gravity and its supergrand unification is proposed. Finally, a speculation is made on "color-space correspondence."