Early replication and expression of oocyte-type 5S RNA genes in a Xenopus somatic cell line carrying a translocation.

In Xenopus somatic cells, the somatic-type 5S RNA genes replicate early in S phase, bind the transcription factor TFIIIA, and are expressed; in contrast, the late replicating oocyte-type genes do not bind TFIIIA and are transcriptionally inactive. These factors support a model in which the order of replication of the somatic-type versus the oocyte-type 5S genes causes their differential expression in somatic cells due to sequestration of TFIIIA by the early-replicating somatic genes. Here we provide further evidence for the model by showing that in one Xenopus cell line in which some oocyte-type 5S genes are translocated, some oocyte-type 5S genes replicate early and are expressed.