Association of globin RNA and its precursors with the chicken erythroblast nuclear matrix

Nuclear matrix was prepared from both erythroblasts and erythrocytes of chicken red blood cells. Greater than 90% of the globin nuclear RNA remains bound to the erythroblast nuclear matrix. There are .apprx. 1000 copies of globin RNA in the nucleus per cell, and most of these contain a poly(A) tail. Precursor .beta. globin RNA exists in 4 high MW forms, some of which are larger than the natural .beta. globin gene. Most of the rRNA is lost during the preparation of an erythroblast nuclear matrix. Some of the sn[small nuclear]RNA are specifically enriched in the erythroblast nuclear matrix. There is little or no globin nuclear RNA in the erythrocyte nuclear matrix. There appears to be no selective attachment of the globin genes to the erythroblast nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is postulated to be a platform for the differential processing of nuclear RNA.