Transport properties of ion-implanted and chemically doped polyaniline films

The low-temperature dc conductivity and magnetoconductivity of ion-implanted (Ar+) and chemically doped (H2 SO4) polyaniline films have been studied. The metal-insulator transition has been observed for ion-implanted polyaniline films on increasing the irradiation dose to 3×1017 ions cm2. The maximum values of the room-temperature conductivity reached 800 S cm1 for ion-implanted and 8 S cm1 for chemically doped polyaniline films. In both cases, for samples on the insulator side of the metal-insulator transition, σ(T)=σ(0)exp[-(T0/T)m], where m∼0.5, whereas for the most heavily ion-implanted polyaniline films σ(T)∼T at T>20 K; the minimum in the σ(T) occurs at T∼20 K and a negative magnetoconductance Δσ(H,T)∼H2 has been observed. It is shown that electron-electron Coulomb interactions play an important role in charge-carrier transport in ion-implanted polyaniline films near the metal-insulator transition. © 1996 The American Physical Society.

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