Neural and marrow—derived stromal cell sphere transplantation in a rat model of traumatic brain injury

Object. This study was designed to investigate the effect of treatment with a novel composite material consisting of embryonic neurospheres and bone marrow—derived stromal cell spheres (NMSCSs) in a rat model of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods. The NMSCS composite was injected into the TBI contusion site 24 hours after injury, and all rats were killed on Day 14 after the transplantation. The Rotarod test and the neurological severity score were used to evaluate neurological function. The transplanted NMSCS was analyzed in recipient rat brains by using histological staining and laser scanning confocal microscopy. The lesion volumes in the brains were also calculated using computer image analysis. Conclusions. Rats that received NMSCS transplants had reduced lesion volume and showed improved motor and neurological function when compared with control groups 14 days after the treatment. These results suggest that transplantation of this novel biological material (NMSCS) may be useful in the treatment of...