Hjort, C. 1981. Present and Middle Flandrian coastal morphology in Northeast Greenland. Norsk geogr. Tidsskr. Vol. 35, 197–207. Oslo ISSN 0029-1951. Two zones with especially distinct beach ridges and cliffs have been identified along the coasts of Northeast Greenland. The younger zone comprises the present coastline and is of recent age. The older and elevated zone comprises a height interval of about 15 m and is of Middle Flandrian age, with its upper limit dating from about 7,500 B.P. and the best developed features within it from about 6,000 B.P. It is suggested that the distinct morphology of these two zones derives from an accentuation of the coastal processes due to transgressions of the sea. Whereas the Middle Flandrian transgression, or transgressions, probably had an eustatic background, the recent transgression was probably caused by Neoglacial isostatic subsidence.