K+nCharge Exchange and theρ′Regge Trajectory

Finding that the Regge exchange of ρ and A2 fails to describe our K+n charge-exchange data at 2.3 GeV/c (the highest energy available to date) when a simultaneous fit is attempted with higher-energy data on Kp and πp charge exchange and πpη0n, we introduce a second, lower-lying ρ-type trajectory (ρ). This also provides a possible mechanism for the puzzling πp charge-exchange polarization. We find that we are then able simultaneously to fit all these data (including the polarization), together with related total cross-section differences up to 20 GeV/c, with a ρ whose spin-1 mass is 1.0 GeV [perhaps the δ(965)?] and whose t=0 intercept, 1.1 units of angular momentum below the ρ, agrees roughly with the ρ proposed by Högaasen and Fischer to describe forward p¯p and np charge exchange, where the (p, A2) model also fails. Our ρ and A2 trajectories turn out essentially traditional. In the fit, we permit only small SU3 breaking between the KK¯ and ππ(or η0π) couplings to the trajectories. We further constrain the fit to obey the sum rule of Igi and Matsuda. In fitting our K+ data at 2.3 GeV/c, we include a deuteron correction, and employ exact Legendre functions rather than the high-energy asymptotic Regge forms. We offer predictions for higher-energy K+ charge exchange.