It is now well established that androgenic and estrogenic steroids produce temporary regression of malignant tissue of the breast1 in certain cases and that estrogenic steroids also have an anticarcinogenic effect on prostatic cancer.2 There is also some evidence that progesterone may have a similar effect on carcinoma of the cervix,3 breast4 and prostate.5 When pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisone became available for clinical trial, it seemed logical to attempt to evaluate their effect on various types of malignant lesions. Murphy and Sturm6 reported favorable results on transplanted leukemia in rats with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone or adrenal cortical extract. Heilman and Kendall7 produced an arrest of the growth of malignant lymphoid tumor in the mouse with the administration of cortisone. Pearson and others8 have reported temporary remission in Hodgkin's disease, acute leukemia and chronic lymphatic leukemia in man after use of