Two locally sympatric temperate marine reef fishes, Embiotoca jacksoni and E. lateralis (Embiotocidae), have high taxonomic similarity in diets. Subdivision of gammarid amphipods, their principal prey, was found. E. jacksoni took more tubicolous gammarid amphipods whereas E. lateralis consumed mostly free-living individuals. The species differed considerably with respect to between-individual variability in taxonomic compositions of their diets. Each E. jacksoni closely resembled other conspecifics in this regard while individual E. lateralis displayed very high between-fish variation. The principal interspecific difference in fish diets concerned the sizes of prey items taken. E. jacksoni ate small but very common items and the mean prey weight in their guts did not differ from random collections of available prey. E. lateralis concentrated on large, rarer sizes such that the average prey weight in their guts was much heavier than available or in the diet of E. jacksoni of the same length. Disparate foraging behaviors was a much better indicator of the relative differences in diets of these two fishes than was external fish morphology. E. jacksoni, which can winnow prey items from unwanted debris, was a relatively indiscriminant forager. E. lateralis did not winnow but actively searched for prey. This species was a much more discriminating forager, but displayed much variability in foraging behavior.