The Classification of Micrococci and Staphylococci Based on their DNA Base Composition and Adansonian Analysis

SUMMARY: Species of the genus Staphylococcus have a guanine + cytosine (GC) content in DNA within the range 30·7-36·4 moles %. All the Gram-positive cocci so far designated as micrococci and sarcinas which produce acid from glucose when grown under anaerobic or aerobic conditions and have a GC content in DNA within this range should be also classified as Staphylococcus. On the other hand species of the genus Micrococcus have a GC content in DNA within the range 66·3-73·3%. All the Gram-positive cocci hitherto designated as sarcinas and staphylococci which do not produce acid from glucose under aerobic or anaerobic conditions or only aerobically and which have a GC content in DNA within this range, should be also classified as Micrococcus. The range of GC content as outlined is approximate; it will be made more accurate (perhaps a little broader) when more data are available on the DNA base composition of the species belonging to the family Micrococcaceae.