Collision Transfer of Vibrational Energy from Highly Excited Polyatomics. Transition Probabilities and Cross Sections for Inefficient Bath Gases

Collisional de‐excitation of vibrationally excited (∼45 kcal mole−1) 2,4‐dimethylpentyl‐2* and 2,4‐dimethylpentyl‐2‐d1* alkyl radicals by bath molecules H2 and D2, respectively, was studied in both the ``high'' and ``low'' pressure regions. The behavior with the stronger collider CF4 was also investigated at ``high'' pressures. Both symmetry and unimportance of the endothermic (5ts) isomerization of this radical promoted greater accuracy of experimentation. Comparison of experimental rate behavior with model stochastic computations yields values of 〈 Δ E〉 , the average amount of energy transferred per collision, of 1.5, 2.2, and 4.6 kcal mole−1 for H2, D2, and CF4, respectively. Independently of any uncertainty in collision cross sections, the data establish that the preferred forms of the distribution of the transition probabilities pij are exponential (or related type) for weak colliders, and stepladder (or Gaussian‐like) for CF4. The data support earlier conclusions that gas kinetic (viscosity)‐derived collision cross sections are appropriate for this type of energy transfer process; that inefficient bath gases are not such because of a preponderance of elastic collisions.

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