The egg sacs of the wolf spider Pardosa lugubris are parasitised by two ichneumonid wasps, namely Gelis micrurus and Hidryta sordidus. The parasites are bivoltine, the first generation parasitising the summer egg sac of P. lugubris and the second generation parasitising, and overwintering in, the autumn egg sac. Parasitised egg sacs have a characteristic appearance. The degree of egg sac parasitism was 9.8% and 6.9% for the two egg sac batches in 1965 and 2.9% and 34.8% for those of 1966. The degree of parasitism varies from area to area as does the percentage parasitism attributable to the two species. The gross growth efficiency for Hidryta from the first egg sac is 31.2% and from the second 16.2%. 3.0% in 1965 and 4.3% in 1966, of the annual yield from P. lugubris to predators and parasites, goes to the egg sac parasites. This represents reductions in recruitment of 9.1% in 1965 and 10.9% in 1966.