1. Extensive experimental data have been collected on the time required for the excystment process of the small ciliate Colpoda duodenaria throughout a range of temperatures of 8° through 32°C. and a range of concentrations of yeast extract excystment media of 0.08 through 22.4 gm./liter. 2. The excystment process has been separated into two periods, the first inversely proportional to the concentration of the yeast extract and the second independent of its concentration. 3. The first excystment period has been found to depend on the time for diffusion through the protoplasm of a compound from the yeast extract and on the time for a chemical reaction with the extremely high energy of activation of 220,000 calories/mole. 4. The changes in viscosity with temperature for this Colpoda, inferred from diffusion rate changes, have been found to be almost the same as those found by Heilbrunn for Amoeba dubia by the direct method of centrifuging granules. 5. The second excystment period is shown to be controlled by reactions whose apparent activation energies are 44,000 calories/mole below 15°C. and 18,000 calories/mole above 15°C.; above 25°C. this period is independent of temperature. 6. The distribution of the log excystment times of individual organisms about the mean log excystment time is found to be independent of temperature except in the range where the reaction with highest activation energy takes a significant length of time, and to increase rapidly with decreasing temperatures in this range.