Connective tissue of rat lung. II: Ultrastructural localization of collagen types III, IV, and VI.

We localized collagen types III, IV, and VI in normal rat lung by light and electron immunohistochemistry. Type IV collagen was present in every basement membrane examined and was absent from all other structures. Although types III and VI had a similar distribution, being present in the interstitium of major airways, blood vessels, and alveolar septa, as in other organs, they had different morphologies. Type III collagen formed beaded fibers, 15-20 nm in diameter, whereas type VI collagen formed fine filaments, 5-10 nm in diameter. Both collagen types were found exclusively in the interstitium, often associated with thick (30-35 nm) cross-banded type I collagen fibers. Occasionally, type III fibers and type VI filaments could be found bridging from the interstitium to the adventitial aspect of some basement membranes. Furthermore, the association of collagen type VI with types I and III and basement membranes suggests that type VI may contribute to integration of the various components of the pulmonary extracellular matrix into a functional unit.