Components of water potential estimated from xylem pressure measurements in five tree species

Pressure volume curves were measured with a pressure bomb in leaves collected in the field from Ilex opaca, Acer rubrum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera and Cornus florida. Water potential components were calculated from the curves. The species differed in the relationships measured. In all species the trends from summer to fall were toward lower (more negative) osmotic potentials, lower matric potentials more rapid loss of turgor with increasing leaf water deficit, and the occurrence of incipient plasmolysis at lower values of leaf water deficit. Initial osmotic potentials ranged from-14.8 to-19.8 bars, similar to values reported in the literature for other mesophytic plants. These values, however, were much higher than those reported for halophytes and xerophytes. The fraction of leaf water which contributes to the osmotic potential ranged from 0.74 to 0.98 in this study. Values reported for other mesophytes and for halophytes and xerophytes all fall well within this range. Patterns of component water potentials are discussed in relation to potential growth rates and water flow in the total plant system.