Low-Temperature Heat Capacity of LaRu2, CeRu2, and CeRu2xPtx

The heat capacity of two samples of CeRu2 and one sample each of CeRu1.9 Pt0.1, CeRu1.8 Pt0.2, and LaRu2 were measured from 1.3 to 9°K (to 20°K for LaRu2). All samples are superconducting, have high γ values (10-14 mJ/g atom°K2) and moderately low Debye temperatures (144-158°K). None of these materials behaves as a BCS-type superconductor. All of these materials exhibit a departure from the normal T3 behavior at a temperature 13 to ½ of that which might be expected from the Debye theory. The departure is unusual in that the Debye temperature increases with increasing temperature, while other Laves-phase compounds that we have recently examined show the opposite and more normal (?) behavior. These different behaviors are explained on the basis of the structural nature of the Laves phase.