Mucous gland lesions of the skin are rather uncommon in general dermatologic experience. We believe that more of them would be recognized if histologic preparations were made oftener of bizarre cutaneous lesions which are usually destroyed therapeutically without being studied. Alertness as to their embryonic origin should lead to more frequent clinical suspicion of their presence. In a review of the literature of so-called mixed mucous and salivary gland tumors in the skin and the subcutis, Ahlbom1pointed out that the most frequent site is the face but that a few are found on the trunk and the extremities. He treated three such tumors at Radiumhemmet, in Stockholm, Sweden, two on the face and one on the sole of the foot, and observed a certain degree of malignancy in all of them histologically. He expressed the belief that those tumors which consist partly of myxomatous and cartilage-like tissue are