Analog-State Resonances in theY89(p,n)Zr89andSr88(p,n)Y88Reactions

Several compound-nucleus analog states formed in the reactions Y89(p,n)Zr89 and Sr88(p,n)Y88 were studied using a He3-filled proportional counter as a neutron spectrometer. 0° excitation curves and angular distributions were measured for both reactions. One striking feature of this data is the complete absence of the 5.02-MeV (3) resonance from the excitation curve for neutrons to the first excited state of Zr89. Most of the off-resonance data agree well with Hauser-Feshbach calculations, although there is some evidence for interference effects in the angular distributions measured near the 4.82-MeV resonance in the Y89(p,n)Zr89 reaction. Energy levels in Zr89 were determined to be 0, 590, 1105, 1470, 1645, and 1880 keV.