Expression of a gene in Pinusstrobus ovules associated with fertilization and early embryo development

Total cellular messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was extracted from whole ovules of Pinusstrobus L. before and after fertilization and during embryo development. Invitro translation of the mRNA showed that a messenger coding for a protein of about 23 000 Da appeared as a prominent component about the time of fertilization, remained present for several days, then disappeared. No protein appeared in the array of extant or invivo labeled proteins with the same periodicity as the messenger. The translation product does not, therefore, appear to be a storage protein but may be a protein that undergoes rapid turnover. Freeze-dried ovules were divided into (i) prothallium and (ii) integuments and nucellus for mRNA extraction. The transient mRNA was found in the integument and nucellar tissue but not in the prothallium, which contains the archegonia and subsequent embryo. This mRNA is of interest because it may be the result of gene expression activated by fertilization.