Beta Decay ofN16to the 6.05-MeV State ofO16

The β-ray branching of N16 to the 6.05-MeV 0+ first excited state of O16 has been detected by observing the subsequent positron-electron nuclear pair emission from the 6.05-MeV level with a magnetic pair spectrometer. A previously developed spiral baffle system was used in the spectrometer to enhance the sensitivity for detecting the 6.05-MeV E0 pair line relative to the 6.13-MeV E3 pair line, the latter following the principal N16 β-ray branch. The branch to the 6.05-MeV state was found to be (1.2±0.4)×104 per decay. Based on the measured branching ratios, the logf1t values for the unique first-forbidden decays to the ground and 6.05-MeV states are calculated to be 9.12±0.04 and 9.98±0.15, respectively. The results are consistent with recent descriptions of the ground and first excited states of O16.