Administration of clomiphene citrate (150 mg/day) for 5 days to 24 ovariectomized patients and 7 normal female patients evoked a significant release of FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] and LH [luteinizing hormone] in the normal control group and suppressed the gonadotropin secretion in castrated patients. A similar suppressive effect on gonadotropin secretion was noted in 8 ovariectomized patients treated for 10 days with low doses (50 .mu.g/day) of ethinyl estradiol. In the ovariectomized hypoestrogenic patients, clomiphene probably acted as an estrogen, suppressing by a negative feedback action gonadotropin release in a way similar to ethinyl estradiol. In the normal control group with an adequate steroid environment, clomiphene acted (probably at the hypothalamic level) as an estrogen antagonist and stimulated gonadotropin secretion. In view of these findings, it seems as if the ability of anovulatory patients to respond to clomiphene treatment by increased gonadotropin secretion depends upon the absolute concentration of the compound in the different organs and by the quantitative relation of clomiphene to the endogenous estrogens.