Spallation-Fission Competition in Heavy-Element Reactions: Th232+He4 and U233+d

Cross sections and excitation functions have been determined for spallation and fission products from bombardments of Th232 with helium ions (15 to 46 Mev) and U233 with deuterons (9 to 24 Mev). This work extends a series of investigations of charged particle (α, d, and p) induced reactions in heavy elements (Z88). Radiochemical methods were employed to isolate products corresponding to the following spallation reactions: neutron emission, (α, 4n), (α, 5n), (d, n), (d, 2n), and (d, 3n); emission of one proton and neutrons (α, p), (α, pn), (α, p2n), and (α, p3n); and emission of two protons and neutrons, (α, 2p), (α, 2pn), and (α, αn), and (d, αn). In addition, the following fission products were isolated from one or more bombardments: Zn72, Ge77, As77, Br82,83, Rb86, Sr89,91, Y93, Zr95,97, Nb96, Mo99, Ru103,105,106, Pd109,112, Ag111, Cd115,115m,117, I131,133, Cs136, Ba139,140, La140, Ce141,143,144, Nd147, Eu157, and Gd159.