The purpose of this paper is to report a case of generalized or disseminated, subcutaneous, gummatous, ulcerating sporotrichosis with a possible pulmonary complication and subsequent cure. The case is remarkable in that the condition closely simulated tertiary syphilis, the syphiloid type of sporotrichosis. The organism recovered from an active, unruptured lesion was identified as Sporotrichum Beurmanni, Matruchot and Ramond, 1905, a species which is considered as doubtfully distinct from Sporotrichum Schenckii. A study and description of the morphology, cultural characteristics, biochemical reactions and animal pathogenicity of the fungus are included. This case is worthy of report since it represents a type of infection seen most frequently in France and rarely in the United States. Sporotrichosis is an infection caused by one of several species of the genus Sporotrichum, a fungus of the class fungi imperfecti of the conidia-bearing group. The infection is subacute or chronic and is characterized usually by