Spin and Nuclear Moments of 245-DayZn65; Redetermination of the hfs ofZn67andτ(P13)of Zinc

The hfs of the (4s4p)P13 state of 245-day Zn65 and of Zn67 has been determined by the optical double-resonance technique. The nuclear spin I, and the hfs splittings are: Zn65: I=52, ν(7252)=1875.475(6) Mc/sec, ν(5232)=1334.123(6) Mc/sec; Zn67: ν(7252)=2111.300(3) Mc/sec, ν(5232)=1551.565(4) Mc/sec. The hfs coupling constants, corrected to second order for interaction with the P23 and P03 states, are: Zn65: A(65)=+535.163(2) Mc/sec, B(65)=+2.870(5) Mc/sec; Zn67: A(67)=+609.086(2) Mc/sec, B(67)=18.782(8) Mc/sec. If quadrupole shielding effects are neglected, the corresponding moments of Zn65 are: μ(65)=+0.7692(2) μN and Q(65)=0.024(2)b. The value given for μ(65) includes an estimated correction of 0.09(8)% for the hfs anomaly. The ratio of the Zn65 and