Single-Pion Production in Neutrino and Antineutrino Reactions

We have studied the neutral-current reactions νμNνμNπ0 and ν¯μNν¯μNπ0 and compared them to the charged-current reactions νμNμNπ0 and ν¯μNμ+Nπ0. We have measured the ratios R0=σ(νμNνμNπ0)2σ(νμNμNπ0) and R¯0=σ(ν¯μNν¯μNπ0)2σ(ν¯μNμ+Nπ0) to be 0.17±0.04 and 0.39±0.18, respectively. We also present the π0p invariant-mass distribution of the neutrino-induced reactions.