Antibody Response of the Lactating Sow to Oral Immunization with Escherichia coli

Oral immunization of the lactating sow with live Escherichia coli (O8:K88)-stimulated an IgA anti-K88 antibody response in mammary Secretions and significantly enhanced the capacity of whey to inhibit adhesion of the inoculum E. coli strain to isolated pig enterocytes. An increase in agglutinating anti-08 activity was also evident in milk and was associated with both the IgA and IgM immunoglobulin classes These mulls are consistent with the conceal of a gut mammary link, although measurement of specific antibody in the intestinal secretion of these animals suggested that there may be a difference in response duration at the two secretory sites. Prolonged oral administration of heat-killed organisms also stimulated specific antibody synthesis within the mammary gland, although the response, particularly to the O antigen, was both reduced and delayed in its appearance.