We have derived intermultiplet mass formulas by using an SU(3)SU(3) charge algebra (involving time derivatives) and an approximation [called the SU(3) approximation] previously proposed. The approximation assumes that the SU(3) charge operator VK [defined, for example, in a quark model, by VK=d3xq¯(x)γ4(λ4iλ5)q(x)2] acts as an SU(3) generator even in broken symmetry in an appropriately chosen infinite-momentum limit. We have obtained, besides the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formulas including first-order mixing, intermultiplet mass formulas such as (i) mK*02mρ02=mK+2mπ+2=mK**+2mA2+2, (ii) mρmω0, (iii) ff mixing angle θ30° from 2+ and 0 mass formulas, and (iv) SU(6)-type decupletoctet baryon quadratic mass formulas. A brief discussion is presented about the JPC=1++ and 1+ meson mass formulas.