Precision Measurements of then−pTotal Cross Section at 0.4926 and 3.205 MeV

The np total cross section at 0.4926 MeV has been measured to be 6.202 b ±0.18%. This measurement when combined with the latest results at zero energy, determines the np singlet effective range to be (2.46±0.12)×1013 cm. The uncertainty has been decreased by a factor of 2 from the best previous determination. The systematic uncertainty due to shape dependence effects is less than ±0.04×1013 cm. The total np cross section at 3.205 MeV has been measured as 2.206 b ±0.31%. This preliminary value was obtained in the process of measuring rate dependence effects to correct the np cross section at 0.4926 MeV for count rate dependence. The use of resonant (n, p) and (n, α) reactions for neutron detection in high-pressure gas scintillators is the most novel feature of the experimental method. An analysis is made of the propagation of the uncertainties in the various independent low-energy experiments into uncertainties in the calculated shape-independent cross section. The results of the analysis are presented as plots of percent cross section uncertainty versus neutron lab energy.